Saturday, May 8, 2010


'Life' its an unexplainable term. Everybody have their own definitions for it. Some say life is to enjoy,so cherish every moment of it. While some people feel it as burden and they want to avoid it as much as they can. They keep complaining about the things happening around them.
But, the peculiar thing about LIFE is, it tries to give you so much,when u don't really wish for that.And,it increases the burden,when your facing some problem.
Many don't realize this fact and keep worrying.
Its like a chisel,which GOD uses to shape us.Those who bear that pain, become a masterpiece.
Its the best teacher one could have.But, it depends on the mindset or perspective of the person who takes that.
Why is that we long for something which we don't have..???
Why don't we realize the importance of the valuable things which we have..??
let me take one practical example:
I am provided with proper shelter(comfortable one),timely food(delicious),nice clothes(stylish).
And dad and mom ready to do anything for me. Even then, when i don't score well, i complain that, i don't have this book,lecturer didn't teach well etc etc.
But, i fail to realize the underlying truth, that, there are people who don't have all these and even then they excel in studies.
This example is just one among the million things of this sort. They are many such things to be analyzed.
Why is this contrast...???
Can anyone tell me...?
Thats life :-p
It has to no extremities.

So lets correct ourselves and try to lead a happy life.
There is nothing good or bad.It depends from person to person. So lets try to understand the principle of life and be happy.

Note: This is my first post.Please give your suggestions,comments and corrections, so that, i can improve my work.


  1. Welcome to blogosphere! :)

    Your post rings with truth.When things are good,they say its luck..when not,they say its life.When we don't have anything reasonable to say,we say this is life.As is we've lived every moment of it.:P

    But life is what WE live,what WE see,what WE perceive and how WE react to changes.This is so simple...yet we complicate it so much.Much like my complicated comment :P

    Nice post!
    Keep writing! :)

  2. Hello! I was here, asking for friendship. ;) Would you like to follow each others blogs? Advance Happy New Year. :D
